Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10 Self-Care Tips to Bring You Cheer This Holiday Season

It can be challenging during the winter months to stay in good spirits. It gets dark out earlier and it is colder which makes us want to stay inside. The winter months can make some of us feel lethargic and depressed. How do you take care of yourself during these winter months and add some laughter and cheeriness to this time of year?

1.) Exercise! Do exercises at home or bundle up and go for a short power walk. Getting outside in nature will boost your mood and ground you, especially if the 
sun is out which provides you with some of that amazing Vitamin D.

2.) Get good sleep every night! Good sleep allows you the opportunity to wake up feeling refreshed. Damaged cells repair during the night.

3.) Eat healthy foods! Lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and plenty of water will give you increased energy and stamina on those lethargic days. Drink water when you feel like napping. This will give you an energy boost.

4.) Play! Having fun is important. Go out with your friends!

5.) Relax and be in the moment. How does it sound to get out of your mind and into your life?

6.) Have a routine and stick to it as best you can.

7.) When you go to parties and drink alcohol, also drink plenty of water to prevent a hangover. Drink water before large meals too in order to prevent overeating. 

8.) Remember to make time for your hobbies. Doing what you love to do for your enjoyment feeds your soul, whether it is playing basketball or even knitting.

9.) Meditate or practice yoga to get yourself more grounded. The holidays can get overwhelming; these practices can bring us back to our center.

10.) Write your feelings down in a journal or send them to a close friend. Knowing how you feel is the first step to making changes to feel better.

Life is about making fulfilling connections with people and doing the things your love. Then, you feel good. This tips will help keep you physically, emotionally, and mentally in balance this winter and avoid some of the highs and lows we all can experience this time of year.

Until next time!

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